The owner’s proposal to destroy the cinema and fully convert the site into a 44-bed HMO has sparked well over 2,000 objections across two attempts to get the scheme through planning.
March 2021 – 1st application to convert the cinema and pub into a 44 Bed HMO.
This application received 956 objections, with 001 in support of the Landrose scheme. It was withdrawn in June 2021 before being formally rejected by BCC planners.
In December 2022 a 2nd application to convert the cinema and pub into a 44 Bed HMO was submitted. To December 2023, this (largley unchanged) scheme has earned in excess of…
1300+ Objections.
with a total of 000 comments in support.
Avon & Somerset Police object to this specific HMO application, with concern for the safety and policing capacity required for people within a 200m radius.
The community strongly supports this campaign’s vision of reopening the cinema, adding a food hall, and providing a meeting place. This is evidenced by 10,000+ signatures on a petition to register the site as an Asset of Community Value.
Our vision is one that aligns with Bristol’s One City Plan, a number of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, recognises Redfield’s history and serves the diverse local population of the area. It also supports housing on the site, but prefers social housing to the ‘pods’ system proposed by the current owner.